Bex’s Blog Takeover Week 7 - Scritchy Scratchy Gift Card

Hello hello Boom! Friends,


Week Seven is here and lands nicely on May Monday so today were going to make a gift card for someone close. Holidays are for sharing and caring after all.


To get started you will need some stiff paper/card, colouring pens or pencils, wax crayon (or a responsible adult and old candles) and black paint. A pencil and tape are useful but not essential.

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First decorate your card background. You can go wild with colour (maybe do some watercolour marbling?) or keep it simple it’s up to you. Avoid drawing patterns as it will make it harder to icon later.

Once you are happy with your background draw a basic grid and outline with a bold colour.

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Then decide on 3/4 stamp style icons.(I had some fruit stamps given to me as a gift that I wanted to try) You can use simple hearts, letters, flowers, whatever you find best. Remember to make sure there is a row of matching icons somewhere on your grid. (Or be slightly evil and don’t)

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Now its time to find a wax crayon or responsible adult whichever is easiest.


With your Crayon cover the whole grid in a thick (kind of even) layer of wax. This may take a while and lots of layers so if you found an adult you can try a different technique.

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Old candle ends can be rubbed or melted and used to cover your grid. This can be a nice substitute for ruining your crayons and a nice use for scrap wax. If you have scented candles it becomes a scratch and sniff gift card. Even Better!

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(Warning – make sure your adult is a responsible one, hot wax can burn and is not a toy. Try the rubbing or crayon method if not sure of your adults responsibility level.)


While waiting for your wax to set/between layers you can make up a menu with prizes. Make sure you only offer what you are willing to give. I highly recommend avoiding cash and similar and offer a hug/ make a hot beverage/ take the bins out/ dog for a walk. Something simple that will be appreciated and has no monetary value.

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Once your wax has set check for any gaps. If your wax has covered everything and is opaque that’s you sorted.

If it is still a little see-through you can cover with a thin layer of paint. I went for black as I like the contrast. I also had taped the edges to keep them sharp and used a pencil to redefine the grid over the paint

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(Acrylic/oil and poster paint is all suitable. Avoid watercolour as wax generally repels water.)


I removed the tape and wrote a little message. It can be nice to attach a scraper to help remove the wax. A toothpick or a penny both work.

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And that’s how simple it is. You can make scratch cards for any occasion. Birthdays, holidays or even as little pick me ups. You can also use them to hide clues for treasure hunts or room escapes. As always it’s your creativity that makes the limits.


See you next week for a big challenge. I recommend you get your room tidied as you’re going to want the space. Bye for Now.




Funding Fun-times – Thank You Glasgow Communities Fund


Bex’s Blog Takeover Week 6 - Shoulder Puppet