A series of FREE art workshops for teenagers and young people who are secondary school age (11+), delivered in partnership with Queens Cross Housing Association!
Artist Bex Smith will support participants across the ten weeks to improve their art skills and to develop their own style as an artist. Participants will be provided with their very own art kit to use during the workshops and to keep afterwards.
The workshops will take place at The Courtyard (2 Wester Common Drive, Glasgow, G22 5PG) every Sunday during the school holidays, 30th June to 11th August.
The first session on 30th June will be 2 hours, 1pm-3pm. The rest will be 3 hours, 1pm-4pm.
There are ten spaces available and priority is given to those living in the North Glasgow area.
Sign up for Scribblers Academy
If you have any questions, email Anna at anna@boomcommunityarts.com.